High fructose intake leads to Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes


Consume Less amount of Fructose as high intake may result in Obesity and Diabetes:

A latest study revealed that and type 2 are on the increasing trend mainly due to modern way of living altering the eating habits like consuming foods rich in fructose coupled with reduced physical activity.

An important dietary change observed in youngsters is consuming diets containing rich in fructose and foods supplemented with sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).

Drinks with High Fructose Content

Drinks with High Fructose Content

Soft drinks, artificial juices, sodas, fruit drinks, alcoholic beverages and packaged foods are rich in HFCS.

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The high intake of fructose reaches the liver which is the main organ in the body to metabolize and there it disturbs the glucose metabolism produces lipogenesis and insulin resistance.

This condition is commonly referred as ‘Metabolic syndrome‘ which is characterized by obesity and . High fructose contrary to glucose also signals for high intake of food which also results in weight gain.

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Therefore a caution to the youngsters is be aware of these consequences before usage of these ready made foods and beverages which are sweetened with HFCS.

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