Role of Neem in the Treatment of Skin Diseases and Its Other Uses
Biological Name : Azadirachta indica
Family : Meliaceae
Synonyms of Neem:
- Hindi – Neem
- Sanskrit – Nimba
- English – Persian Lilac
- Malayalam – Veppa bijam
- Tamil – Veppu virat
- Marathi – Kadunimba cha Bi
- Gujarathi – Limado nu bij
- Telugu – Vepaku
- Kannada – Bevinamara bija
The trade name of the neem is neem bija.
Neem is a well known tree of India. It has small, white fragrant flowers. It is grown cultivated throughout the India. The useful parts of the plant are leaves, root bark, seeds, flowers, bark, gum and fruit.
Properties of Neem:
- Anthelimintic
- Antiseptic
- Bitter deodorant
- Diuretic
- Febrifuge
- Insecticidal
- Insect repellant
- Anti-bacterial
- Anti viral
The phytochemicals which are present in the neem are flavone glycosides, sterols, terpenes, alkaloids, bitter compounds and oils.
Forms of use: It is used in the form of paste, decoction, infusion and ointment.
Medicinal uses:
Skin diseases:
- The leaves of the plant are bitter and are used for treating skin diseases and boils by applying the paste on the affected part.
- The paste prepared from bark of the neem tree is applied on the skin boils for quick healing.
- Ripe fruits of the neem are eaten to get rid of skin diseases.
- Decoction of the leaves can be used for washing the wounds.
- Decoction of the flowers is also used for washing the wounds.
- The roots have antibiotic activity and they are used in skin diseases.
Other Medicinal Uses of Neem:
- The bark is a bitter tonic, astringent and anti periodic.
- It is useful in fevers.
- It breaks the periodic sequence of fevers like malaria.
- It is useful in skin diseases.
- The neem oil is used for treating leprosy and ulcers etc.
- The decoction of the flowers can be used for purifying blood.
- The leaves act as a powerful insecticide.
- Decoction of the leaves can be used for washing the aching ears and eyes.
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