Jambul : Medicinal Uses and Health Benefits


Jambul has many medicinal uses and is very beneficial for the health of the people. It is commonly known as Jamun.

Jambul for treating diabetes

  • Jamun seeds are employed for treating the .
  • Jamun fruit juice is also useful for treating the diabetes but the preparation from the seeds is more effective than from the fruit juice.
  • The aqueous extract of the Jamun seeds helps in a marked decrease in the level of blood glucose even in a single dose.
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  • Vinegar from Jamun is also helpful for controlling the diabetes. Jamun vinegar should be taken regularly with both the meals.
  • Take 10g of dried of karela, 10g of pterocarpus bark and 10g of jamun seeds. This mixture can be taken after grinding properly and prepare a water extract from this mixture. Take 2 0r 3 g of this powder to control diabetes.

Jambul Health Benefits and other Medicinal Uses:

  • The bark of tree has astringent activity.
  • Jambul is used for treating sore throats, indigestion and loss of appetite.
  • Jambul is used in the treatment of Leucorrhoea (Leucorrhoea is a white discharge from the uterus and vagina).
  • Jambul is used in the treatment of bronchitis, asthma, ulcers and dysentry.
  • Jambul helps in promoting the purification of blood.
  • Jambul can be used as a gargle for spongy gum.
  • Jambul is used for treating diarrhoea by giving fresh juice from bark with goat’s milk.
  • Ripe fruits of Jambul helps to check diarrhoea.
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Doses of Jambul:

  • Juice – 50 to 100 ml
  • Bark powder – 0.5 to 1.0 g
  • Seeds – 1.0 to 3.0 g
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