EBRD support Moldovan pastry company Panilino overhaul production capacity

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Union (EU) have helped Panilino, a Moldovan pastry company, in investing in modern technology for overhauling its production capacity.

Following the modernization of its production, Panilino plans to expand its markets to reach out more consumers for its cakes, biscuits, rolls, and cozonac — which is a traditional sweet bread.

The Moldovan pastry company is said to produce over 50 tonnes of confectionery. Having been in the business since the 1990s, Panilino is said to be among the largest manufacturers of bakery and confectionery products in Moldova.

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Sergiu Guzun — director of Panilino said: ‘’It is the greatest privilege and responsibility to run a business that is beloved by so many. We try to stay ahead with new, forward-thinking plans, focus on quality and modern technology to make our production more efficient and our products famous beyond Moldova.”

EBRD support Moldovan pastry company Panilino overhaul production capacity

EBRD support Moldovan pastry company Panilino overhaul production capacity. Photo courtesy of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

The Moldovan pastry company had bought and installed a new confectionery production line, equipment for handling raw material and packaging, refrigerator trucks, transportation vehicles, and others.

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According to the EBRD, the new equipment installed by Panilino lowers the consumption of heat, electricity, and water.

EBRD said that the investment has led to an increase in productivity of the Moldovan pastry company by 15% besides boosting exports and signing of new contracts with distributors from Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Ireland, and Latvia.

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Sergiu Guzun added: “We increased our product range, improved product quality and significantly optimized our costs.  And we do not plan to stop there.

“Eventually we want to have an even more solid footing in international markets and make Panilino a globally recognized brand.”

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