L&T Technology Services awarded Supplier of the Year by Collins Aerospace GETC


In a notable acknowledgment of its superior services and partnership, L&T Technology Services Limited (LTTS), a globally recognized digital engineering and R&D services company, has been honored with the prestigious Supplier of the Year 2023-24 award by Collins Aerospace Global Engineering & Technology Center (GETC) in India. This accolade highlights LTTS’s profound capabilities in engineering and design, product development, smart manufacturing, and digitalization, which are vital to Collins Aerospace’s achievements across commercial, regional, corporate, military aircraft, and international space programs.

The relationship between Collins Aerospace GETC in India and LTTS spans many years, with this award marking a significant milestone in their collaboration. LTTS’s commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction has been a cornerstone of its service delivery since becoming a supplier to Collins Aerospace, a unit of RTX, in 2015. The company’s recognition as the Supplier of the Year in April 2016, and now again, underscores its status as a consistent, high-quality service provider to one of the aerospace industry’s leaders.

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Abhishek Sinha, Chief Operating Officer and Board Member at L&T Technology Services, reflected on the achievement with pride, stating, “Our enduring partnership with Collins Aerospace has always been founded on the bedrock of delivering exceptional, and high-end engineering solutions. This recognition serves not just as a symbol of our success, but as an unequivocal testament to the unwavering dedication, and innovative spirit of our team.” This statement not only celebrates the current achievement but also reaffirms LTTS’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of engineering and technological advancements.

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The award to LTTS from Collins Aerospace GETC not only signifies a recognition of past achievements but also sets a benchmark for future collaborations in the aerospace and defense sectors. LTTS’s ability to deliver high-end engineering solutions, coupled with its commitment to innovation and quality, positions it as a key player in supporting the complex needs of global aerospace leaders. This partnership exemplifies how collaboration and excellence in engineering can lead to significant advancements in technology and product development, further driving the success of both companies in an increasingly competitive and technology-driven industry.

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The recognition of L&T Technology Services by Collins Aerospace underscores the critical role of innovative engineering and R&D services in advancing the aerospace sector. As the industry continues to evolve, the demand for cutting-edge solutions and reliable partnerships will undoubtedly increase, highlighting the importance of awards like these in showcasing the leaders in engineering excellence and collaboration.

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