Exercising pregnant mothers builds up intelligence in babies

Exercising by pregnant mothers helps to build up intelligence in babies

Exercising by pregnant mothers helps to build up intelligence in babies

What is Intelligence?

Intelligence is defined as the cognitive ability to do diverse activities easily is generally hereditary and runs in families. The gene that influence this trait is not identified, but it appears to be linked with complex interactions.

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This intelligence is also influenced by environmental factors as seen that it increases with age from babies to adult life. The recent studies shows that intelligence is influenced by exercising by pregnant mothers.

Exercises by Pregnant Women:

  • A light exercise walking or stretching or running helps in achieving this.
  • Exercise boosts blood supply to brain and helps in the growth of neurons.
  • Exercise also coupled with breast feeding helps to boost up intelligence.
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Therefore pregnant mothers if they want their children to become intelligent may do exercise under the guidance of competent guides.

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