Migraine Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention



Migraine is a typical type of headache characterized by severe throbbing pain on both sides of the head aggravated by movement of the body like walking associated usually with nausea and vomiting. The affected person will be sensitive to light and noise. The headache lasts 2-3 days. Sometimes it is unilateral i.e. on one side of the head only with severe pain associated with blurred vision and the appearance of black spots in the vision. It is more common in women than men. Sometimes it runs in families showing a hereditary nature. It is reported that certain foods and stress trigger the onset of the malady. Migraine recurs periodically. The migraine headache attack sometimes gives warning signals called aura a disturbed vision with the appearance of black spots in the vision. Sometimes it attacks are without any signals.

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Causes of migraine:

The exact cause is not known. Stress and depression sometimes trigger migraine. Some women get this at the beginning of their menstruation. It is reported that it is due to increased blood flow to the brain. It is also known that certain foods like cheese and chocolates influence the onset of migraine.

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Treatment of migraine:

Medical advice is necessary for treating the malady. Investigations like scanning of the brain will be done to eliminate other serious problems. Anti-migraine drugs are usually prescribed by doctors. Symptomatic treatment will be given for other associated conditions like vomiting and nausea.

Prevention of migraine attack:

  • Avoid triggering foods like chocolates and cheese.
  • Avoid missing meals and a regular lifestyle is important. Good sleep is essential.
  • Mild exercises like walking and relaxation help in preventing an attack.
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