Liver should release the glucose into the blood and it is taken up by the cells throughout the body where it has to be oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. Insulin enables the glucose to pass through the outer membrane of the cell. If there is no insulin, glucose is not taken up by the cells and it gets […]
What are warts? Warts are small out growths on the skin caused by a virus Human Papilloma Virus (H.P.V). It has several strains up to about 40 each having a specificity of the body part to grow. For example the virus strain producing warts on the body parts like neck, hands and face is different […]
Usually for treating Diabetes, tablets and insulin injections are used daily. Now one can get rid of all these troubles by undergoing the Laparoscopic (Key-hole) Surgery which has been found by a Brazilian Doctor recently. Founder of Laparoscopic Surgery for treating Diabetes: Dr. Aurio D Paulo is credited for this recent advancement and this Laproscopic Surgeon […]
What is meant by Epistaxis? How is Epistaxis Characterized? Epistaxis or nose bleeding is characterized by bleeding through nose. Although this condition is not as such serious, but it causes lot of anxiety and fear for the affected and the onlookers. Who are affected by Epistaxis? Generally this is a minor problem commonly seen in […]
What is Heart Attack or Myocardial Infarction? ‘Heart attack’ or myocardial infarction is a medical emergency. Half of the patients die within the first 3-4 hours after an attack. Hence early treatment and assistance should be given to the victim to increase the chances of survival. Why does Heart Attack occur and Who are affected […]
Morphology and Distribution of Colchicum: The Biological Name of Colchicum is Colchicum luteum that belongs to the Family Liliaceae. Colchicum is an annual herb with brown coloured corms. The corms are in conical shape with a flat side and an roundish side. The herb consists of narrow leaves with broad tip and increases in size during fruiting […]
Mechanism of Action of Trimethoprim (An Anti-Malarial Drug): Trimethoprim is chemically related to the antimalarial drug pyrimethamine. Both the drugs, trimethoprim and pyrimethamine are folate antagonists. Trimethoprim resembles the pteridine moiety of the folate and it resembles the bacterial dihydrofolate reductase. This enzyme is more sensitive to trimethoprim than the enzyme present in the human […]