Shocking attack on U.S. Marines in Turkey: 10 arrested in violent anti-American protest


Ten people have been arrested in Turkey after a brazen attack on two U.S. Marines in the western city of Izmir. The assault, reportedly carried out by members of the nationalist Turkish Youth Union, has ignited a diplomatic flare-up between the United States and Turkey, two NATO allies with a history of tension. The incident occurred on September 2, 2024, when the Marines, who were on leave from the USS Wasp, were ambushed by 15 individuals in a targeted display of anti-American sentiment.

Attack on U.S. Marines in Izmir

The U.S. Marines were reportedly wearing civilian clothes when they were confronted by a group of two women and 13 men from the Turkish Youth Union, a nationalist organization with a staunch anti-American and anti-imperialist ideology. Eyewitnesses and a video uploaded by the group revealed the attackers chanting “Yankee, go home!” while attempting to place a bag over one Marine’s head. The incident, which took place near the port where the USS Wasp was docked, has drawn swift condemnation from U.S. and Turkish officials alike.

Representative image - Tensions rise as 10 arrested in attack on U.S. Marines in Turkey.
Representative image – Tensions rise as 10 arrested in attack on U.S. Marines in Turkey.

According to the Criminal Court of Izmir, ten of the 15 suspects have been placed in pretrial detention under charges of “deprivation of liberty of more than one person.” Five of the detained individuals were released under judicial control. Lawyers representing the arrested members of the Turkish Youth Union have stated their intent to appeal the court’s decision, aiming to lift the arrests.

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U.S. Response and Diplomatic Implications

The U.S. Embassy in Turkey confirmed the safety of the Marines involved and commended Turkish authorities for their rapid response and ongoing investigation into the assault. Pentagon spokesperson Major General Pat Ryder praised the professionalism of the Marines, noting that they were quickly aided by fellow Marines in the vicinity. “We are certainly very proud of the professionalism of our service members,” Ryder stated, highlighting that no Marines were detained and that they were cooperating with local investigators.

The attack has brought back memories of a similar incident in 2014, when members of the Turkish Youth Union attacked three U.S. sailors in Istanbul, putting bags over their heads in protest. These actions are reminiscent of the “Hood event” in 2003, where U.S. troops detained Turkish soldiers in Iraq, covering their heads with sacks—a moment that still stirs nationalist sentiment in Turkey today.

Rising Anti-American Sentiment

The assault on the Marines is the latest in a series of actions by the Turkish Youth Union, a group closely aligned with the Turkish Vatan Party, which espouses a strong nationalist and anti-Western ideology. The group has been vocal about its opposition to U.S. military presence in Turkey, particularly as tensions rise in the Eastern Mediterranean. In a statement following the attack, the group justified their actions by referencing past grievances and alleged injustices involving U.S. military operations in the region.

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The incident comes amid heightened military activity in the Eastern Mediterranean, where the USS Wasp and other U.S. naval forces have been conducting joint exercises with Turkish forces. While these exercises are part of routine military cooperation between the two NATO allies, they have been viewed with suspicion by certain factions within Turkey who fear a growing American footprint in the region.

A New Low in U.S.-Turkey Relations?

The attack and subsequent arrests mark a new low in the often fraught relationship between the United States and Turkey. The attack on U.S. service members in Turkey is a symptom of a larger issue. It reflects the growing anti-American sentiment within certain nationalist factions in Turkey, and this could strain bilateral relations further.

Aydin argues that the incident could complicate future U.S. military deployments and necessitate tighter security protocols for American service members stationed in Turkey. With Turkey balancing its role within NATO and its own nationalist political currents, incidents like this one could set back efforts to strengthen U.S.-Turkey relations.

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What’s Next for U.S. and Turkish Authorities?

As the legal proceedings against the detained members of the Turkish Youth Union unfold, both U.S. and Turkish authorities are likely to tread carefully. The U.S. government has expressed its desire to see those responsible held accountable, while also maintaining diplomatic ties with Ankara. Meanwhile, the Turkish government, which faces domestic pressures from nationalist groups, must navigate the delicate task of upholding law and order without exacerbating nationalist fervor.

The USS Wasp has since departed from Izmir following the incident, but questions remain about the future of U.S. military presence in the region and the broader implications for NATO’s cohesion. The incident underscores the ongoing challenges of maintaining strategic alliances amid rising nationalist sentiments.

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