Rosemary Oil Chemical Constituents and Medicinal Uses


Rosemary Oil:

Rosemary oil is the volatile oil that is obtained from the fresh flowering tops of the plant Rosmarinus officinalis, belonging to the family Labiatae.

Cultivation and Distribution of Rosemary Herbs

Rosemary is indigenous to South Europe and South Asia and is cultivated in the Mediterranean basin and India. The cultivation of the plant is carried out along the slopes and in gardens.

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Rosemary is an evergreen plant which grows to a height of 2 metres. It consists of blue coloured small flowers. It grows well in light calcareous soil. Its cultivation is carried out by sowing the seeds.

The plants are cut about 10 cm above the ground and they are distilled for the collection of the oil.

The colour of the rosemary oil is a pale yellowish liquid with a rosemary flavour and camphoraceous taste.

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Chemical constituents of Rosemary:

The flowers consist of volatile oil, resins, ursolic acid and a bitter principle. Tannins are also present in the leaves.

The main components of the volatile oil are borneol, bornyl acetate, camphor, eucalyptol, pinene, d-camphene, cineol and terpenes.

MedicinalUses of Rosemary Oil:

  • Rosemary oil is used as a carminative
  • Rosemary oil is used as a rubefacient
  • Rosemary oil is used as a stimulant
  • Rosemary oil is used as a flavouring agent for liniments, hair lotions, inhalers, soaps and cosmetics
  • Rosemary oil is used for preventing hair fall and promotes hair growth
  • Rosemary oil improves mental clarity
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The oil has to be stored in a well-closed container away from the light and in a cool place.

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