Weight Loss Mindset – Know How Your Thoughts Can Help You Burn Fat!


Find out what is the gene responsible for as per the latest discoveries from scientists. Check out the relation between and obesity and the reduction program that really works in this weight loss article.

Have you ever wondered why your neighbor or one of your friends was able to get back into shape by losing weight successfully while you have been struggling hard to burn a pound for months? Was it because of a miracle weight loss supplement or rigorous fat loss program that kept him starving? Would you like to burn fat overnight? If that is what you expect from a weight loss program, then you’ll be disappointed as there is no miracle weight loss diet or fat burning exercise plan that can simply make fat disappear from your body.

Relation between FTO Gene and Obesity

It is an almost established fact that weight gain or obesity is a result of imbalance between what we eat and how our body processes it. Whether our fat burning mechanism is burning unnecessary fat or not is determined by the type, quantity and frequency of food we eat. However, what we choose to eat and how often we feel like eating is determined by our thoughts which are controlled by a gene region called “FTO” in our brain. This relation between FTO gene and obesity was discovered by scientists in 2007. A strong correlation between the FTO gene and overweight problems was found with our eating behavior, propensity to exercise and of course all this resulting in obesity. Further research on FTO has confirmed that genetic differences in this region of brain impact on our fat storing functions.

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What Is Thermogenesis And Why Is It Important For Weight Loss?

is the real fat burning mechanism! Well in the process of finding the FTO gene and obesity relationship, scientists also found that the real trigger behind our belly fat burning mechanism is “Thermogenesis” that actually starts the dormant or sluggish system. Though, thermogenesis is dependent upon our genetics, a slight manipulation can work in our favour and may result in boosting our fat burning mechanism at the cellular level. In fact researchers are at work to find more about FTO, the gene responsible for obesity, so that it can be used for treatment of other ailments as well.

The Mindset to Lose Weight

 How to get your mind set on losing weight and how to start losing weight now? These are some of the top weight loss questions to ask. For starters, we can safely assume that by controlling our food cravings, we can get remarkable weight loss results. And this is the number one reason that some people can lose weight easily and fast than others despite using the same weight loss supplement and daily exercise routine. Though it requires some practice and strong will, it is not so difficult to change the mindset to lose weight and cut down obesity. If you believe that you can lose weight, then you’ll find ways to implement and stick to your fat loss program. Similarly, if you are not positive, then you’ll find excuses to relapse to your old eating habits.

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3 Week Diet Plan

Try Out this Amazing Belly Fat Reduction Program

If you really want to see the power of thoughts and how it really works, you can go for an amazing Belly Fat Reduction System called “3 Week Diet Systems”. This simple program has changed the lives of many people helping them change their eating habits in 21 days flat. Simple tweaks, additions and swaps in your existing meal plans will not only bring back your fitness and shape but will also maintain your health. ‘3 Week Diet Systems” have shown weight loss results in 21 days that many established systems cannot promise even in 6 months.

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3 Week Diet System Reviews

Here is What One of the Users of 3 Week Diet system has said:

“You don’t know me but my name is Elisa and I bought The 3 Week Diet one month ago. I want to share my weight loss story with you, Brian.

Since having my first child, I’ve been carrying around an extra 30 pounds. I’ve tried many diets and couldn’t make anything work. Your diet just made sense and showed me that everything I was doing was wrong and a waste of my time.

The 3 Week Diet plan was so refreshing and so simple to follow. I did everything you said and lost 23 pounds in first three weeks. I’m now starting the diet again from the start to lose the 7 pounds more. You have changed my life, and I am incredibly thankful.”

-Elisa G.


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