Monsoon skin care tips – How to take care of skin in rainy season


Skin looks oilier in rainy season if you have a dry skin. Excess oil can cause breakouts. So keep your skin and body hydrated.

During monsoon, dehydration, parched and dry skin are more common. So drink plenty of water to keep the skin hydrated and to removes toxins from the body.

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Water and moisturizer

Drink at least 8 glasses of water to hydrate skin and apply moisturizer to prevent dryness of skin. Eat wholesome meals with good fats as fats are important in repairing dry and damaged skin and to retain its moisture content.

Avoid hot showers

It is better to avoid hot and steamy showers as that can make skin more dry and damaged. It will weaken skin capillaries.

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Gently exfoliate your skin every week as skin looks dull during monsoon. Use a mild scrub to remove dead skin cells and dirt from the face without drying.

Use warm water to wash your face as it is good for dry skin. Warm water will help you to get rid of excess oil and makes it clean and keeps the skin problems at bay.

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Follow the above tips to have good skin in monsoon.

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