Hell on Earth: Greece burns in largest EU wildfire EVER! Who’s at risk?


Stop the presses! Greece is literally on fire, grappling with the largest wildfire in the European Union’s history! The EU’s civil protection service gave us the shocking news, saying that this horrifying blaze is the biggest one to scorch Europe since they began keeping tabs in 2000.

Scorched Earth Larger Than New York City

You heard that right, folks! This nightmarish inferno has incinerated more than 310 square miles, a hellish area even larger than New York City. Can you wrap your head around that?

Tragic Toll: Migrants Among the Dead

But that’s not all. The wildfire has extinguished at least 20 human lives, and here’s the heart-wrenching part—18 of them were migrants. These unfortunate souls were found in a region commonly used as an entry point from neighboring Turkey.

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Birds of Prey’s Sanctuary Under Siege

The inferno is still rampaging uncontrollably, especially in Dadia National Park, which is not just any park but a sanctuary vital for birds of prey. According to Greece’s fire service, the situation there is still dire.

EU’s Herculean Effort to Douse the Flames

In a desperate move to tackle the fiery beast, the EU has mobilized a jaw-dropping fleet! Eleven planes, one helicopter, and a battalion of 407 firefighters are now in Greece, fighting the fire monster in Dadia National Park. And wait, there’s more! The EU is planning a standalone, fully functional air wing by 2030 to handle such catastrophic events, which are sadly becoming the new norm.

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The European Commission spokesperson remarked that the severity of wildfires is increasing every year, pointing out unfavorable trends. Adding to that, the EU’s commissioner for crisis management expressed that air deployment emphasizes their dedication to effective action during such crises.

Climate Crisis Fuels the Fire

This summer has been a living nightmare for Greece, with this wildfire being the hideous cherry on top. And guess what’s fanning the flames? Both government and experts are pointing fingers at the escalating climate crisis.

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So what’s next? With the fire still ablaze, the area growing, and lives being lost, this story is far from over. Keep those eyes peeled because this raging inferno is a hot topic that’s just getting hotter!

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