GPT Infraprojects Limited wins Rs 292cr order in Odisha


GPT Infraprojects Limited, the flagship company of , has secured an order worth around INR 292 crores in joint venture from the Office of the ECOR-CONST-HQ-ENGG in , .

Under the contract, will be responsible for the execution of viaducts, major bridges, supply of vehicle, road over bridges (ROBs), site facilities and other associated works between Buguda- Baniguchha section.

GPT Infraprojects Limited wins Rs 292cr order in Odisha

GPT Infraprojects Limited wins Rs 292cr order in Odisha

The Kolkata-based infrastructure company will also execute ROB no. 229 (1X18.0 composite girder) between Nuagaon – Daspalla portion of East Coast Railway for the Khurda Road – Bolangir New B. G. Link Project.

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