Energean announces Hermes gas discovery, offshore Israel


Hermes gas discovery : , a UK-based hydrocarbon exploration and production company, has made a gas discovery through the drilling of the Hermes exploration well, offshore .

The commercial gas discovery is estimated to contain between 7 and 15 billion cubic meters (bcm) of recoverable natural gas resources.

Locate in block 31, offshore Israel, the Hermes exploration well was drilled by using the .

Energean announces Hermes gas discovery, offshore Israel

Energean announces Hermes gas discovery, offshore Israel. Photo courtesy of Energean plc.

Commenting on the Energean announces Hermes gas discovery, offshore Israel, Energean stated: “Detailed analysis of the data collected by the well is ongoing, with the aim of refining volumetric estimates and potential commerciality for both the discovery and the full area.

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“The Hermes discovery has helped to de-risk the nearby Poseidon and Orpheus structures, which represent attractive potential future appraisal targets to fully assess the potential of the area around block 31.”

The Stena IceMax drilling rig has now moved to block 12 (Olympus Area) to drill the Zeus structure, which is estimated to contain 10 -12 bcm of gross prospective unrisked gas resources.

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The drilling campaign is expected to enable Energean to further refine resource estimates across the entire Olympus area.

The Olympus area is currently estimated to contain approximately 58 bcm of unrisked recoverable resources.

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