Emergency rescue at Oregon amusement park: 28 people safely lowered from upside-down ride


In a dramatic rescue operation on Friday, emergency crews successfully extricated 28 people who were trapped upside down on a ride at Oaks Amusement Park in Oregon. The century-old park experienced a harrowing half-hour when riders of the AtmosFEAR were left dangling precariously.

Portland Fire and Rescue, along with engineers from Oaks Park, initially managed to manually lower the ride. However, they were prepared to execute a high-angle ropes rescue if needed. All individuals on the ride were safely evacuated and underwent medical evaluations, thankfully with no injuries reported. One rider, who had a pre-existing medical condition, was transported to the hospital for further evaluation as a precautionary measure.

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The AtmosFEAR, a pendulum-style ride capable of swinging riders completely upside down, encountered an unexpected stoppage leading to the emergency. Chris Ryan, a visitor from nearby Gresham celebrating his birthday, recounted the terrifying moment to The Associated Press. He and his wife decided against boarding the ride upon noticing the malfunction, describing the scene as “scary.”

The dramatic rescue of 28 people from an upside-down ride at Oaks Amusement Park in Oregon, showcased effective emergency response and safety measures.

The dramatic rescue of 28 people from an upside-down ride at Oaks Amusement Park in Oregon, showcased effective emergency response and safety measures.

Following the incident, the park’s staff promptly contacted emergency services, who arrived approximately 25 minutes later. Maintenance workers were able to return the ride to its unloading position shortly after the responders’ arrival. In response to the incident, a loudspeaker announcement informed visitors of the park’s immediate closure and evacuation.

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Oaks Amusement Park has announced that the ride will remain closed until further investigation is conducted with the ride’s manufacturer and state inspectors to determine the cause of the stoppage. The park, which first opened in 1905, expressed gratitude towards the first responders and park staff for their quick action that led to a safe resolution of the situation.

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Oaks Park, known for blending modern thrills with turn-of-the-century charm, has been a staple of entertainment in the Northwestern U.S. for over a century. The park reassured the public that it would take all necessary steps to ensure the safety of its attractions moving forward.

The incident at Oaks Amusement Park serves as a stark reminder of the importance of ride safety and emergency preparedness. The swift response by emergency crews and park personnel helped avert what could have been a more serious outcome, highlighting the critical role of timely and effective emergency response.

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