Amazing drumstick health benefits and moringa leaves benefits revealed
Drumstick better known than its scientific name Moringa oleifera is a perennial fast growing plant that can be usually found in South India. Every single part of the drumstick plant is believed to have medicinal significance. Moringa leaves benefits are many and have to be exploited to live a healthy life.
In this article, we will bring you some of the amazing drumstick health benefits and how consuming drumstick juice can help you out with overall wellness.

Drumstick Health Benefits. Photo courtesy of sriharun/
Moringa Leaves Benefits and Drumstick Juice Health Benefits
The small and round drumsticks leaves are very beneficial in treating many diseases due to its abundant iron ontent and medicinal properties.
The moringa leaves benefits can be experienced even if the drumstick leaves are cooked or consumed raw. They may also be made into a dry powder that can be preserved for many weeks without refrigeration.
Drumstick powder functions as a life saving antioxidant in case of impending starvation.
Drumstick leaves are a good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Iron, Calcium and Potassium while also being rich in protein content.
Talking about drumstick juice health benefits, the juice acts as an amazing tonic for growing kids and adolescents. It boosts the development of bones and makes them healthy and strong. Besides, the drumstick tonic is believed to purify the bloodstream among the many drumstick health benefits. The drumstick tonic can be prepared by grinding the leaves with water, followed by filtration and then added into milk.
Drumstick juice prepared from the moringa leaves is also helpful for the pregnant ladies to get over the uterus sluggishness and prepare themselves for easier delivery and also to decrease post delivery issues.
Drumstick leaves are known to increase breast milk in lactating mothers when they are boiled in salt water and drained, and then served with ghee.
Among the most important drumstick health benefits, it has to be noted that drumstick leaves can also be helpful in treating bronchitis, asthma, wheezing and tuberculosis. For this, drumstick soup has to be prepared by boiling a small number of leaves in 3/4 cup containing water for about five minutes. A pinch of pepper, salt and lime juice can also be added in the drumstick soup for taste.
The prepared drumstick soup after getting cooled down is a good choice for those suffering from respiratory issues. As drumstick contains antibacterial properties, it is beneficial in preventing diseases of chest, skin and throat.
Drumstick soup which can also be prepared using drumstick leaves, flowers and pods has the potential to act as an antibiotic.
Powdered and dried bark of the drumstick roots may be tried out as a treatment for fungal skin diseases which goes into the highly populated list of drumstick health benefits.
The moringa leaves, seeds and flowers of all drumsticks is beneficial for sexual debility and general weakness. Pour a teaspoonful of drumstick leaf juice with honey in a glass of coconut water. The juice if consumed two or three times a day, can turn out to be a powerful cure for digestive diseases that include diarrhea, dysentary, colitis, dysentery, jaundice, and cholera. Additionally, it is useful in treating urinary problems like frequent urination.
Apart from many other drumstick health benefits, drumstick seed oil has been found to be useful in treating conjunctivitis.
There are also some drumstick beauty benefits by the way with freshly made drumstick leaf juice together with lime juice can be applied on face to treat pimples, acne and black heads.
Now that you have known some of the drumstick health benefits, it’s time to go and buy some readymade drumstick juice or moringa powder to make the most of the juice and moringa leaves benefits.
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