Andelyn Biosciences, Armatus Bio to accelerate gene therapy for CMT1A


Andelyn Biosciences, Inc., a leading Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO) specializing in cell and , has announced a significant partnership with Armatus Bio to expedite the manufacturing of a gene therapy treatment for Charcot-Marie-Tooth Type 1A (CMT1A). This rare genetic neurological disease, characterized by disability and potentially fatal complications, currently lacks approved therapies. This collaboration aims to enhance program efficiency and expedite the move to clinical studies for this innovative approach.

Strategic Alliance for Advanced Therapy

Under the agreement, Armatus Bio will utilize ‘ extensive expertise in adeno-associated virus (AAV) production, along with its proprietary suspension platform for various development activities. This includes plasmid manufacturing, viral vector toxicology, and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) clinical manufacturing. This partnership not only strengthens the existing relationship between the two organizations but also offers significant hope for patients suffering from neuromuscular diseases.

Strategic Partnership Between Andelyn Biosciences and Armatus Bio Targets Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease

Strategic Partnership Between Andelyn Biosciences and Armatus Bio Targets Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease

Shared Vision for Advancing Human Health

Both Andelyn Biosciences and Armatus Bio, situated in the burgeoning biotech hub of , Ohio, share a common vision of advancing human health through the continued rise of gene therapies. Their combined efforts in this field are a testament to their commitment to addressing complex health challenges.

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Expert Comments on the Partnership

Matt Niloff, Chief Commercial Officer at Andelyn Biosciences, expressed his admiration for Armatus Bio’s dedication to meeting the critical needs in CMT1A. He highlighted Andelyn’s role in scaling up the therapy using their specialized suspension platform and ensuring its rapid and high-quality clinical progression.

, PhD, Chief Technical Officer of Armatus, commended Andelyn’s capabilities in manufacturing complex genetic medicines. He emphasized the importance of this collaboration in bringing innovative solutions to patients eagerly awaiting treatment.

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Andelyn’s Commitment to Advancing Therapies

Andelyn Biosciences, with its established expertise, is proud to offer exceptional development and manufacturing services from its facilities in Columbus, Ohio. The company is dedicated to advancing client discoveries and manufacturing transformative cell and gene therapies for both rare and prevalent diseases.

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