Eat spinach for Bone health

Spinach for Bones

Spinach for Bones

Spinach (Palakura in Telugu) is a good leafy vegetable of high nutritive value available at every place and can be grown easily.

Nutritive Value of Spinach

Spinach is rich in calcium, Iron, Vitamin K, B2,Vitamin E, Magnesium and Phosphorous.

The vitamin K available in spinach is 200% more than what we need daily.

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Health Benefits of Spinach for Bones:

Spinach gives strength to the bones and prevents coronary heart diseases and to some extent certain cancers. Spinach is a rich source of fiber.

Spinach is good for the eyes maintains good vision and prevents eye diseases. It is found that it protects the prostate gland of the men and prevents certain diseases of the gland. However people with kidney and thyroid problems should use this leafy vegetable limited.

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