Varicose Veins symptoms and home remedies


are blue distorted veins that get swollen beneath the skin. They usually develop in the leg, behind the calf, or ankle.

Varicose veins can develop because of defective valves in veins as well as weak vein walls. The affected leg might feel heavy, the ankle could be swelling and the skin around the veins could appear dry, itchy, and dehydrated.

Varicose veins are more prevalent among women and are often found within families. Varicose veins could also result due to conditions that cause increased pressure on the veins of the legs like constipation, pregnancy, overweight, or a job that requires standing for prolonged durations.

Varicose Vein Symptoms

  • A swollen or aching sensation on your legs especially after standing or sitting for long periods of time.
  • The swelling, burning, and throbbing in your lower leg muscles.
  • Leg cramps during the night.
  • Veins appear dark blue or purple in the color.
  • A tingling sensation that runs across the skin.
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Home remedies for Varicose Veins

Marigold: Rub a smudge of marigold to the area affected. Marigold is high in antioxidants and vitamin C, which aid in protecting the skin and preserve the health of capillaries and veins.

Carrot and spinach: Combine 3/4 cup of juice of carrot along with 1 cup of spinach juice. Then drink every day for a couple of days.

Compression stockings: wear compression socks. Place them on first thing in the morning, before your ankles begin swelling.

Hot and cold baths: Alternate taking hot and cold hip baths every day.

Do’s and Don’ts for Varicose Veins

Include plenty of high-fiber foods in your diet, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain cereals, as well as brown rice.

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Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water daily.

Consume foods that are rich in vitamins C and E.

Keep your legs elevated, preferring to keep them at or above the heart level. Utilize a footrest while working and an ottoman or footstool at home to raise your feet. Do not place your feet on the floor or anything directly beneath your knees.

Do regular exercise, such as cycling, walking, or swimming to improve your health and blood circulation.

Weight loss is a must if you’re overweight.

Apply moisturizer if your skin has become dry and itchy in the veins.

How to avoid Varicose Veins?

Do not stand for prolonged periods of time. If unavoidable, flex your calf muscles every couple of minutes, and every few minutes, wiggle your toes.

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Do not sit for extended periods, get up at least every thirty minutes, and move around.

Do not cross your legs while you’re sitting down, since it reduces blood flow to the lower legs.

Do not wear knee-high socks with tight elastic.

Beware of tea, coffee alcohol, and white flour-based products.

Don’t smoke.

When to consult a doctor?

When varicose veins are becoming more severe or new ones are appearing.

When veins turn red and it feels warm.

When the skin around varicose veins becomes painful, discolored, or swollen.

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