Presidential pooch gone rogue: Austrian leader’s shocking encounter with Moldovan dog


The serene setting of a presidential stroll turned into a dramatic scene when Moldovan President Maia Sandu’s dog bit visiting Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen. This shocking incident took place in the courtyard of the Moldovan presidential residence, creating a frenzy in the diplomatic circles.

Presidential Pooch Unleashes Havoc on Austrian Leader

The three-legged rescue dog, Codrut, became the center of an unexpected diplomatic debacle. President Sandu was quick to apologize for her pet’s actions, attributing the bite to the dog’s fright upon seeing a large crowd. Van der Bellen, a known dog lover, later appeared in a meeting with his hand bandaged, highlighting the severity of the incident.

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Austrian President Responds with Good Humor to Dog Bite Drama

Despite the startling encounter, President Van der Bellen took to social media to downplay the incident, emphasizing his love for dogs and the success of his meetings in Moldova. His light-hearted response to the bite incident has been the talk of the town, showcasing his diplomatic grace under surprising circumstances.

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