GW Hospital deploys Novarad’s augmented reality surgical technology


The George University Hospital (GW Hospital) in Washington, , has deployed , an augmented reality surgical technology developed by Novarad.

The OpenSight Augmented Reality System will assist a surgical operation, improve accuracy and minimizes operating and recovery times for patients. is now the first hospital in the US to use augmented reality surgical technology.

Powered by Microsoft HoloLens, OpenSight Augmented Reality System offers 2D, 3D and 4D images of patients interactively, while accurately overlaying them directly onto the patient’s body.

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Dr Babak Sarani – professor of surgery and emergency medicine and director of the center for trauma and critical care, George Washington University Hospital, said: “OpenSight allows the surgeon to overlay the medical image onto the patient’s body, so not only do I see the patient laying on top of the table, but I can see the CT hologram.

“Us having this technology meets the endpoint of our mission as an academic hospital.”

augmented reality surgical technology George Washington University Hospital

The George Washington University Hospital deploys Novarad’s OpenSight augmented reality surgical technology. Photo courtesy of George Washington University Hospital.

The OpenSight Augmented Reality System includes an infrared camera within the headset to map the surrounding environment, including the patient.

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According to Novarad, image capabilities of the augmented reality surgical technology include virtual incisions to guide the surgeon, shunts, and needle placement; finding the optimal entrance and trajectory for pedicle screws, ACL tunnels, and other instrumentation; finding and resecting masses; and interventional biopsies.

Dr Wendell Gibby – OpenSight co-creator and CEO of Novarad said: “Using the OpenSight augmented reality device from Novarad, doctors can literally see the patient and see into them at the same time.

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“High resolution advanced holographic imaging is merged in 3D onto the patient with optical precision.”

The George Washington University Hospital, which opened in 2002 with 371 beds, is owned and operated by a subsidiary of Universal Health Services since 1997.

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