Ethypharm expands Mesalazine portfolio with strategic acquisition in China


Ethypharm, a global leader in essential medicines for central nervous system disorders, hospital care, and internal medicine, has announced a significant expansion of its product lineup through the acquisition of a suppository form of Mesalazine from Jiangsu Anbison Pharmaceutical by its Chinese affiliate, Shanghai Ethypharm Pharmaceuticals Ltd. This move marks a key step in Ethypharm’s ongoing strategy to bolster its presence in its principal markets, including the major European countries and China.

Strategic Acquisition and Market Impact

Mesalazine is widely used in the treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD), such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. The addition of the suppository form to Ethypharm’s portfolio, which already includes the oral Mesalazine product Etiasa®, is expected to meet the growing demand for comprehensive treatment options in China. China represents the third-largest global market for Mesalazine, characterized by a preference for oral and topical forms.

Ethypharm has been a prominent player in the Chinese Mesalazine market since 1997, with Etiasa® achieving approximately a 30% market share. The introduction of the suppository form is anticipated to provide a more targeted treatment option, enhancing patient outcomes and extending the product lifecycle of one of Ethypharm’s leading products.

Executive Insights

Denis DELVAL, President and CEO of the Ethypharm Group, expressed his enthusiasm for the acquisition, stating, “This acquisition represents a significant milestone for Ethypharm’s growth strategy and aligns with the company’s commitment to delivering essential medicines to patients. It will accelerate Ethypharm’s growth and reinforce Etiasa’s leading position in the Chinese market.”

Growth Strategy and Future Prospects

Ethypharm’s growth strategy is dual-faceted, focusing on both organic growth and strategic acquisitions. By expanding its Mesalazine offerings in China, Ethypharm aims to better serve the needs of Chinese patients and healthcare professionals with a full portfolio of Mesalazine forms. This strategic move not only strengthens Ethypharm’s market position but also supports its mission to provide quality treatments internationally through its robust network of distributors.

The acquisition is expected to have a positive impact on Ethypharm’s market share and financial performance, positioning the company for continued success in its key markets and beyond.

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