Cincom Systems joins PartnerOne in strategic acquisition to enhance enterprise software offerings


Cincom Systems, Inc., a renowned provider of enterprise software solutions, has been acquired by PartnerOne, a rapidly expanding global enterprise software group. This acquisition marks a significant development in the enterprise software landscape, promising to leverage Cincom’s extensive portfolio in configure-price-quote, customer communications management, and business application solutions.

Leadership and Strategic Vision

Brian Bish, stepping up from his role as Managing Director, has been appointed as the new CEO of Cincom Systems. With over 30 years at Cincom, Bish’s leadership is expected to ensure continuity and steadfast growth for the company. “The executive team and I believe that Cincom has found the perfect permanent home within the PartnerOne family,” said Bish. “This is a significant milestone in the incredible Cincom journey, and I look forward to guiding the company into our amazing next chapter while ensuring we maintain the outstanding level of service we have provided our customers for more than 50 years.”

Cincom Systems, Inc. has been acquired by PartnerOne, enhancing its portfolio and leadership in the enterprise software industry.

Cincom Systems, Inc. has been acquired by PartnerOne, enhancing its portfolio and leadership in the enterprise software industry.

PartnerOne’s Commitment to Growth

PartnerOne, known for its dynamic growth and robust portfolio of enterprise software companies, sees the integration of Cincom as a natural fit. Andrew Hall, PartnerOne Portfolio Manager, expressed enthusiasm about the acquisition. “Cincom’s impressive history of product leadership across a variety of markets fits naturally into the PartnerOne group of companies. We are excited to invest in Cincom’s future and provide it with stronger resources to ensure its success for another 50+ years.”

The acquisition of Cincom by PartnerOne is not just a testament to the achievements of both companies but also a strategic move to consolidate strengths in the enterprise software market. This partnership is expected to enhance product offerings and customer service, driving innovation and growth in a highly competitive industry.

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