Acne (Pimples) causes and reasons for acne


What is meant by acne and who is affected by acne?

Acne affects mostly teenagers, women in the age of twenties are mostly affected by acne. Acne is a kind of skin disturbance and is a condition in which the skin on the face, neck, chest, shoulders, and back is covered to a greater or lesser extent with pimples, boils, whiteheads, and blackheads. Acne is also caused by the infection of the anaerobic bacterium named propionibacterium acnes.

What are the reasons for the cause of acne?

  • Acne results due to the hyperactivity of the glands especially the sebaceous glands, in adolescence age.
  • The secreted oil gets to the surface of the skin through the ducts that lead into the pores.
  • When the pores present on the surface of the skin get clogged due to the secretions of the sebaceous glands and the keratin, it results in the formation of skin blemishes which is characteristic of acne.
  • Skin blemishes are also formed due to the secretion of extra oil into the ducts.
  • Dirt or makeup does not result in acne but exacerbates the condition.
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How does the acne begin?

Acne begins with the formation of blackheads. The blackheads are dark in color because of the oxidation of the fatty material and get decolorized on exposure to the air. If this substance gets infected by the bacteria, it develops into a pimple. These pimples should not be picked or squeezed as that pressure may rupture the surrounding membrane and may spread the infection to the surrounding area of the skin. Surface dirt contributes to the spreading of acne.

Acne Causes

  • Acne is caused due to disturbances in the hormonal levels:
  • The fluctuation or imbalance in the levels of the hormones like androgens is considered to be the main reason for the development of acne.
  • These hormones stimulate the secretion of a high amount of sebum from the sebaceous glands.
  • This oil gets mixed with the dead skin cells and the bacteria on the surface of the skin and blocks the pores.
  • This provides a favorable environment for the rapid multiplication of the bacteria inside the sebaceous glands and begins the inflammatory process.
  • This results in the development of spots and pustules.
  • If many chemical products are applied to reduce the symptoms of acne, it may worsen the situation.
  • The diet also leads to the development of acne:
  • If more unhealthy foods are eaten, it may result in acne as it directly influences hormonal levels.
  • Processed foods are rich in chemicals and fat and lead to changes in hormonal levels and the body’s equilibrium will be changed.
  • Acne may also be a result due to poor diet.
  • Vitamin deficiency also results in acne due to the weakened immune system.
  • Vitamins act as anti-oxidants and eliminate toxins and free radicals.
  • If the skin lacks vitamins, the skin is more exposed to bacteria and toxins.
  • Hereditary factors are also responsible for the development of acne.
  • Acne may also result due to an increase in stress:
  • If a person is more exposed to stress, it results in the secretion of more hormones by the adrenal glands which repeat the process of the development of acne.
  • Stress also slows down the healing activity of acne and also opens wounds.
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