Shocking assault: US Embassy in Baghdad hit by rocket fire – Details Inside


The US, leading an international coalition against jihadists in Iraq and Syria, has seen its forces come under frequent attacks. This particular incident, with no group claiming responsibility yet, adds to the growing list of challenges faced by the coalition in the region. The attack, according to the US embassy, involved two salvos of rockets, launched around 4:15 am. A US military official, speaking on condition of anonymity, mentioned five attempted strikes against US and coalition troops on the same day, including two against the Ain al-Asad airbase in western Iraq and three in Syria, thankfully with no reported casualties or damage.

US Embassy in Baghdad Under Siege: Multiple Rockets Launched in Bold Attack

US Embassy in Baghdad Under Siege: Multiple Rockets Launched in Bold Attack

The United States has condemned these attacks in strong terms, urging the Iraqi government to bring the perpetrators to justice. This demand for action reflects the increasing pressure on the Iraqi government to secure foreign diplomatic missions and US military personnel, who are in the country at Iraq’s invitation. The statement from US embassy spokesperson Matthew Miller pointedly accused Iran-aligned militias of initiating the attacks, highlighting the complex geopolitical tensions in the region.

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Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani has also voiced concern, noting that such attacks jeopardize the nation’s security. He called for immediate action to identify and prosecute those responsible. This event underscores the volatile situation in Iraq and the broader Middle East, where geopolitical stakes are high, and the risk of escalation remains a constant threat.

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