Shocking ambush in Gwadar! Baloch militants zero in on Chinese convoy


In a bold and chilling move, Baloch militants launched a ferocious assault on a convoy of 23 Chinese engineers in Gwadar, Balochistan. The convoy, equipped with bullet-proof vehicles, faced an IED explosion, followed by intense gunfire. The assault left one Chinese engineer with minor injuries, while two Pakistani soldiers faced more grievous harm – one of them battling for life.

Rapid Response Neutralizes Threat

In the midst of chaos, swift action by security forces resulted in the neutralization of the three assailants responsible. Notably, two of the attackers chose to end their own lives through self-detonation. Thankfully, local Pakistani civilians remained unscathed during the ordeal. Despite the turmoil, it was confirmed that all Chinese engineers emerged safely.

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Balochistan Liberation Army’s Defiant Claim and CPEC’s Ongoing Threat

The Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), a separatist group with a history of discontent with Pakistan’s central government, brazenly claimed responsibility for the ambush. Their motivations? A push for autonomy or even full independence for resource-rich Balochistan. But their frequent target? The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) – a mammoth infrastructure project linking Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang. The Balochistan Liberation Army’s disdain for CPEC is well-documented, with previous attacks on associated projects punctuating their resistance.

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Pakistani Senator’s Condemnation and the Bigger Picture

Pakistani senator Sarfraz Bugti voiced his stern condemnation of the assault while also lauding the security forces for their rapid response. He emphasized the increasing internal rifts among militants and praised the Pakistani armed forces for their ongoing efforts in safeguarding the nation.

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Past incidents trace back to the Balochistan Liberation Army’s turbulent history: the tragic suicide bombing targeting three Chinese academics, the violent assault at a luxury hotel in Quetta, and the 2021 bus explosion near the Dasu dam site, which claimed 12 lives. Balochistan, despite its sparse population, is a hotbed of contention due to its rich mineral deposits and the ensuing tensions over mega-projects like CPEC.

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