Russia’s secret army: Foreign Recruits! How Moscow plans to sway presidential elections


In a startling update, British intelligence has revealed that Russia is steering clear of recruiting its own citizens for the ongoing war in Ukraine. Instead, Moscow is actively eyeing Central Asian migrants and neighboring countries to bolster its military forces. The UK Defence Ministry dropped this bombshell on Sunday, September 3, and it’s shaking the world’s political landscape!

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Why is Moscow taking this unprecedented step? The answer is simple: Russia wants to dodge another hugely unpopular general mobilization ahead of next year’s presidential elections. The Defence Ministry’s intelligence update uncovers that this strategy allows Russia “to acquire additional personnel for its war effort in the face of mounting casualties,” all while avoiding the risk of alienating voters before the 2024 elections.

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“Russia’s Grim Tally”: Unreported Casualties Unmasked!

Though Russia has been tight-lipped about its military casualties, the numbers are staggering! According to US officials, the Russian army has suffered close to 300,000 casualties. The death toll alone could be as high as 120,000, with up to 180,000 injured! These astronomical figures lay bare the desperate measures Russia is resorting to in order to keep the war machine going.

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Since late June, Russia has reportedly started an advertising blitz aimed at Armenian and Kazakhstani migrants, primarily targeting ethnic Russians from the Kostanay region. They’re luring them in with enticing offers like down payments of 45,000 rubles ($5,140) and starting salaries of 190,000 rubles ($1,973). But wait, there’s more! Russia is dangling the carrot of “fast-track citizenship” and eye-popping salaries up to $4,160 for anyone willing to fight in Ukraine.

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Russia’s “Mercenary Million”: The Kremlin’s Disposable Troops

According to the UK Ministry of Defence, there are upwards of six million Central Asian migrants in Russia, considered “potential recruits” in the eyes of the Kremlin. “Exploiting foreign nationals allows the Kremlin to acquire additional personnel for its war effort in the face of increasing losses,” says the British Ministry of Defence. This exposes Moscow’s ruthless and cynical tactics to perpetuate a conflict that has already caused so much suffering.

The Great Russian Deception: Moscow Hits Back with Misleading Numbers!

Russia is fighting back against these allegations. On Sunday, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev claimed that Moscow has recruited some 280,000 people into the army since the start of the year. According to Tass news agency, Medvedev stated that these recruits include reserves, volunteers, and other categories. However, these figures only deepen the mystery surrounding Russia’s military strategy and the lengths it will go to mask the grim reality of its war in Ukraine.

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In summary, this shocking intelligence report reveals Russia’s secret playbook: avoid recruiting its own citizens and target Central Asian migrants to fight its controversial war in Ukraine—all while trying to win a presidential election. It’s a dangerous game, and the world is watching!

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