ISIS-linked terror plot to ‘slaughter’ Jews in New York thwarted on eve of deadly anniversary


In a chilling reminder of the ongoing global terror threat, a Pakistani citizen, Muhammad Shahzeb Khan, has been charged with plotting a mass shooting at a Jewish center in Brooklyn, New York. This attack, planned for October 7, 2024, was intended to mark the one-year anniversary of a brutal terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel, aiming to “slaughter as many Jewish people as possible” in the name of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). Authorities from the United States Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced Khan’s arrest, which was made possible by a coordinated effort with Canadian law enforcement agencies.

Plot Foiled by Joint Law Enforcement Operation

The 20-year-old Khan, also known as Shahzeb Jadoon, was apprehended in Canada on September 4, 2024, just as he was allegedly attempting to cross into the United States to carry out the attack. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, Khan had planned to use automatic and semi-automatic weapons for the assault, intending to cause mass casualties at a specific Jewish center in Brooklyn. He allegedly communicated his plans to undercover law enforcement officers, expressing his desire to form an “offline cell” of ISIS supporters to conduct coordinated assaults on Jewish centers across New York City.

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Authorities claim that Khan started sharing ISIS propaganda in November 2023 through encrypted messaging apps, where he expressed support for the terrorist organization and attempted to recruit like-minded individuals. He meticulously planned the logistics of the attack, even providing photographs of the targeted location and discussing how he would obtain assault rifles and ammunition. The plot was aimed not only at creating chaos and fear but also at sending a symbolic message tied to the anniversary of the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel in 2023.

The Timing and Significance of October 7

Experts suggest that the choice of October 7 as the date for the attack is of particular significance. This date marks the first anniversary of a large-scale attack carried out by Hamas in Israel, which resulted in hundreds of casualties and heightened tensions in the Middle East. According to officials, Khan chose this date to align his actions with the narrative of a “revenge attack” and to amplify the psychological impact on Jewish communities worldwide. The Justice Department’s complaint detailed how Khan allegedly planned to maximize casualties, focusing on locations with large gatherings to “rack up easily a lot of Jews,” boasting about his intent to “slaughter them.”

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Expert Opinions on Rising Terrorism Threats

Counterterrorism experts have highlighted the importance of this case in understanding the evolving nature of terrorist threats. According to former FBI Counterterrorism Director Timothy L. O’Brien, “The arrest of Khan demonstrates the persistent and adaptive nature of terror networks like ISIS. They continue to seek ways to exploit vulnerable individuals and international borders to carry out their radical agendas.” He stressed that intelligence sharing and international cooperation remain vital in preventing such plots from reaching fruition.

The arrest has prompted calls for heightened vigilance within both the Jewish and broader American communities. Security experts urge local authorities to reassess their protocols for handling potential terrorist threats, especially in cities with significant Jewish populations. According to a senior security analyst, “The potential for lone wolf attacks inspired by extremist propaganda is an ever-present threat. We must remain proactive rather than reactive in our counterterrorism strategies.”

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A Warning to Potential Terrorists

U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland commended the rapid response of law enforcement, stating, “Thanks to the investigative work of the FBI and the quick action of our Canadian law enforcement partners, the defendant was taken into custody.” FBI Director Christopher Wray added, “This case underscores the commitment of our Joint Terrorism Task Force in New York City, whose extraordinary and often unnoticed efforts continue to prevent deadly plots before they can be carried out.”

As the investigation continues and Khan faces extradition to the United States to stand trial, authorities are examining his communications and network to identify potential accomplices or other threats. This case serves as a stark reminder of the ever-evolving and persistent threats posed by radicalized individuals aligned with terrorist ideologies.

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