Iran’s measured response to Damascus consulate attack promises no major escalation


In a strategic communication, Iran has informed the United States that it will respond to the recent attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus in a controlled manner, ensuring that the retaliation will not lead to any major escalation. This commitment was communicated by Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian during his visit to Oman, which often acts as an intermediary between Tehran and Washington. The message from Tehran comes at a critical time as the country is also advocating for a truce in Gaza.

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Reuters reports that a US intelligence official highlighted Iran’s intention to use regional proxies for a series of attacks on Israel, suggesting a calculated approach rather than a direct confrontation. This assurance of a “controlled” and “non-escalatory” response could be critical in maintaining relative stability in the region amidst existing tensions.

On the Israeli front, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that Israel is prepared for various scenarios related to the ongoing conflict in Gaza and other potential threats. “Whoever harms us, we will harm them,” Netanyahu declared, emphasizing Israel’s readiness both defensively and offensively. This statement coincides with the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) being on high alert, as explained by IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari. The IDF’s readiness was further underscored by the arrival of Gen. Michael Kurilla, the head of the US Central Command, in Israel to assess the security challenges with IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi.

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The international community, including Britain, Germany, and Russia, has called for restraint from all parties involved in the Middle East. These appeals aim to prevent further escalation and encourage diplomatic solutions to the ongoing and potential conflicts in the region.

As developments continue to unfold, the focus remains on Iran’s next steps and how they will balance their retaliatory actions with the broader goal of regional stability. This situation highlights the complex dynamics of Middle Eastern diplomacy and the delicate balance of power that influences peace and conflict in the region.

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