9 Health Benefits of Eggs – Know What Eating an Egg a Day Can Do For You


Find out the many health benefits of eggs and eating eggs daily. Are eggs good for weight loss, can eggs help in reducing blood pressure and improve eye sight?

Eggs are an abundant source of minerals, vitamins and Proteins. Know the health benefits of eating eggs and make sure you include it in your daily diet. Eating an egg a day can boost up your heath in many ways. By including egg in your daily routine diet, it gives your body the daily required amount of nutritional elements like vitamins, minerals and protein. Egg is rich in minerals like calcium and iron. In this health article, we will give you an insight of some of the important health benefits of eggs. We will answer the most asked questions like ‘Are eggs good for weight loss?’ and what eating eggs daily can do to our body and health.

So let us find below the 9 health benefits of eggs:

Eggs for Weight Loss

Did you know that eggs can promote weight loss? There is a misconception that eggs give us a lot of energy and eating them makes us fat. But the actual fact is that eggs promote weight loss. Try to include eggs in your breakfast and it will limit your intake of other foods for the rest of the day by more than 400 calories! So you won’t become over weight if you take eggs daily in the morning.

Eggs Health Benefits Photo

Eggs Health Benefits

Eating Eggs Good for Eyes

Eggs are rich source of anti-oxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin. These antioxidants prevents the onset of cataract and early blindness. The yellow yolk of the egg is good for improving the eye sight. So if your kids stick in front of the TV or laptop or playing games in your mobiles for a longer time than desired, give them eggs daily so that their eyes can get the much needed antioxidants.

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Eggs Reduce Blood Pressure

Can eggs help reduce blood pressure? Yes is the answer according to recent studies. The proteins produced by eggs act in the same way as your hypertension drugs. The protein content present in the eggs acts as ACE inhibitor thus lowering your blood pressure. For those of you are unaware of what an ACE inhibitor is – it expands as angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor which is a drug used for treating high blood pressure.

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Eggs Improve Memory

Eggs improves body reflexes and memory. Tyrosine is an amino acid present in the eggs, which is vital for improving the body reflexes. Choline is a neurotransmitter that is present in the eggs. Thus it helps in faster transmission of nerve impulses and also improves your memory.

Eggs Provide Protein for Muscle Building

Eggs contain all the required essential Amino acids. These Amino acids are necessary for muscle building besides playing an important role in most of our biological processes. The white yolk of the egg contains all the necessary proteins and aminoacids for our daily body needs.

Egg – A Source of all Vitamins and Minerals

Eggs contain all the vitamins except Vitamin C. So by consuming eggs you can meet the daily requirement of all the vitamins. Eggs also contain minerals like Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Phosphorous, Sodium, Potassium and Zinc etc. As the egg contains iron, it improves the levels of haemoglobin of your blood and prevents the blood conditions like anaemia.

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Eggs Prevent Diabetes

Eggs contain an amino acid known as Leucine which helps in controlling your blood sugar levels and thereby preventing the onset of diabetes. So eat eggs regularly to prevent diabetes. It is recommended that four eggs a week can cut down the risk of diabetes.

Eggs Prevent Breast Cancer

If adolescent girls eat an egg daily, they can prevent the risk of getting breast cancer in the future. Wonder why eggs can help in preventing breast cancer? According to a recent study, Eggs contain an essential nutrient called Choline which is linked to reducing the risk of getting breast cancer.

Eggs are Good for Heart:

Eggs contain HDL which is a good cholesterol. So eating eggs regularly keeps your heart healthy as they improve the High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) levels. Try eating eggs more regularly than before and see the difference it makes to your overall health.

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