Discover the future of health: How 3X4 Genetics and Cenegenics are transforming wellness


In a significant move for the healthcare industry, 3X4 Genetics, a leader in genetic-based health testing, has announced a strategic partnership with Cenegenics, a top-tier membership-based medical practice. This collaboration marks a monumental advancement in personalized medicine, enhancing Cenegenics’ comprehensive health and wellness programs through cutting-edge genetic science.

Cenegenics is renowned for its commitment to optimizing health through personalized, proactive strategies, helping clients achieve a healthier, more vibrant life. By incorporating 3X4 Genetics’ advanced testing into its regimen, Cenegenics is set to redefine the standards of healthcare with a focus on individual wellness needs.

Kristy Berry, CEO of Cenegenics, emphasized the benefits of this partnership, stating, “Through our Performance Health Program, patients receive ongoing support and guidance, including regular check-ins and educational resources, all tailored to foster and maintain a healthy lifestyle.”

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The cornerstone of this partnership is the integration of the 3X4 Genetics Blueprint Report into Cenegenics’ health assessments. This report offers detailed insights into genetic pathways that influence health, allowing clinicians to develop highly personalized care plans. This ‘Genes First’ approach promises several key benefits:

Clients will have access to information about their genetic predispositions, enabling them to take proactive steps towards managing their health effectively.  The use of genetic data is expected to enhance the efficacy of health programs, leading to better client health and satisfaction.

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Combining genetic data with traditional diagnostic tools provides a more holistic view of a client’s health, aiding in precise and effective wellness strategies.

Dr. Yael Joffe, Founder & CSO of 3X4 Genetics, expressed enthusiasm about the integration’s potential, noting, “Together we provide the vision for how genetics can be integrated into clinical practice, offering valuable insights to both clinicians and patients, showcasing what’s possible in personalized medicine.”

Both companies share a vision for setting high standards in science and its application in patient care. 3X4 Genetics, based in Bellevue, Washington, combines sophisticated genetic testing, nutrigenomic education, and a network of accredited practitioners to guide individuals towards healthier lifestyles based on their genetic makeup.

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As 3X4 Genetics and Cenegenics continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in personalized medicine, their partnership is poised to influence the future of healthcare, making personalized, genetic-based health management a reality for many.

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