Municipal Parking Services launches Sentry Health Kiosk to mitigate spread of COVID-19


Municipal Parking Services (MPS) has launched Sentry Health Kiosk, an automated system to help mitigate the asymptomatic spread of coronavirus on private and public premises via the detection of elevated temperatures, audited hand sanitation, and entry access control.

The system is said to have been inspired by Municipal Parking Services’  line of touchless smart parking products which are installed currently across municipalities and university settings across the world.

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Sentry Health Kiosk is a non-contact kiosk that takes and reports body temperature automatically, makes hand sanitization mandatory, and manages access control while providing an audit trail.

By using Municipal Parking Services’ technologies, the system has an optional facial recognition function which can also help in ensuring compliance in locations where face masks are needed.

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Joe Caldwell – founder of Sentry Health said: “Studies show that most people with Covid-19 are asymptomatic, so having a device that just takes temperatures is inadequate at best.

“According to experts, the best way to protect yourself and mitigate the spread of a virus is simply to wash your hands. Sentry Health Kiosk is the only system that checks both boxes – temperature reading and audited hand sanitization.   If a person doesn’t complete the process, they simply can’t come in.”

Sentry Health Kiosk Municipal Parking Services

Sentry Health Kiosk from Municipal Parking Services

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