Asthma Symptoms and Complications


Symptoms and Manifestations of Asthma

Asthma is characterized by the following manifestations. The common symptoms of the pulmonary disease include:

  • Coughing with or without sputum
  • Wheezing
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Rapid and shallow breathing
  • Increased respiratory rate
  • Excess production of the mucus
  • Barrel chest due to air trapping in the lungs
  • Significant anxiety
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Hemoptysis – blood in the sputum
See also  Bronchial Asthma, Causes and Potential Triggers

Complications of Asthma

The possible complications of Asthma may include the occurrence of status asthamaticus. Status asthamaticus is a life-threatening condition of prolonged bronchospasm that is not responsive to drug therapy.

Pneumothorax is another possible consequence as a result of an increase in lung pressure, which can result from the extreme difficulty involved in expiration during a prolonged Asthma attack.

See also  Bronchial Asthma Treatment and Drugs

Other complications like hypoxemia and acidosis may also occur and can result in overall respiratory failure.

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